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Alex's Parmesan Cheese Pasta



Re-using already cooked pasta or noodles is a common practice as evidenced by various noodle transformations such as kugel and pasta salad.  In this case, my 4 year old grandson's love affair with cheese and buttered noodles led to his very simple example of refrigerator foraging. 


  • Amounts depend on the amount of pasta you have but think 4 parts pasta to 1 part grated cheese and butter. 
  • Leftover cooked pasta, any shape with texture to hold the cheese.
  • Generous pat of salted butter
  • Enough fresh grated parmesan cheese mixed with the hot pasta for taste.
  • A bit more fresh grated parmesan cheese on top. 


  • Reheat pasta in boiling water or 3-5 minutes, drain completely but do not rinse. (I do this, not Alex.)
  • Pour in a bowl. (I do this, not Alex.)
  • Mix with butter and parmesan cheese until both are melted. (Alex does this.)
  • Serve with more freshly grated parmesan. (Alex does this.) 
Alex, tasting his ingredient prior to using it.  He loves fresh parmesan. 

Alex, tasting his ingredient prior to using it.  He loves fresh parmesan.