The Urban Forager visits KTLA Morning News - Watch Here
Good Food - The Urban Forager visits KCRW
Everyone’s favorite foodie radio host Evan Kleiman interviews The Urban Forager for Good Food. We take a close look at where to eat, shop, and gather culinary inspiration. Listen here!
Diana Worthington reviews the Urban Forager’s Cookbook in the Chicago Tribune
Callow takes us on a tour of the food makers representing the east side's diverse traditions that you may not know about. There is a treasure-trove of stories, recipes and profiles in these pages that may be reason enough to drive to East Los Angeles one day.
Photographer Ann Elliot Cutting has captured the sensibility of the people and food of her community. Stunning photos of farmers' markets, fresh green salads, citrus marmalade, pastas, curries and delectable homespun desserts like this blueberry pudding cake bring another dimension to this book. A welcome surprise, "The Urban Forager" is a good read about the area and the people. Of course, the recipes tie it all together.
The Urban Forager on the SoCal Restaurant Show Podcast
48,000 listeners heard all of this live in Southern California on Saturday morning, March 30th from Santa Barbara on the North to the Mexican border on the South and Inland to Palm Springs and points further East. Listen here!
Elisa’s Ricotta Crespelles in The Quarterly Magazine
Enjoy this delicious recipe featured in a Southern California publication. Click to enlarge photos.
Try For Yourself at Julienne’s in Pasadena!
Julienne’s in Pasadena loves our Polenta Cake! Call 626.441.2299. for availability. Thanks, Julie!
Photo by Ann Cutting.
One of our favorite reviews
“I am all but literally physically holding myself back from just eating out of the baking dish with a fork (no, that's a lie, I actually *did* take 3 swipes with a fork before putting the lid on the container and putting it in the fridge). Tom's portion is in a bowl waiting for it to cool 100% - he said he doesn't like things like that piping hot. But I had mine *piping* hot and it's a miracle I didn't just gorge myself on the whole ding-dang thing. Seriously. This is the best thing that has happened to berries since Knott's LOL.”